Tuesday, July 27, 2010

life goes on

Over the last few days I've been grateful for my involvement with this triathlon as it's given me something to distract me from my recent sorrows. Without it I might still be curled up in bed watching movies I've seen hundreds of times. Lucky for me after the initial crappy coming back from the wallowing depths of my own self pity workouts I got back on track yesterday.

Angela, me and road bike rookie Amanda went out for a ride. Aside from getting a gear stuck and almost falling off my bike and actually falling off the road while trying to ride uphill with no hands it was a good ride. I think I scraped up my pedal when I went off the road though... at least I didn't scape up me. After I went for a run, which initially was going to be a 1 mile jog but turned into what I think must have been at least two. I was pretty proud of myself when I got back to my car... that was my longest brick so far. It helped that it was breezy and much less humid than it has been lately.

As I started to drive away I noticed a business card under my wiper. I stopped and pulled it off and read the following "I saw your Trek that shits hot yea!! -Lee," I'm glad my Trek is so impressive that Lee felt the need to leave me a note and express his sentiments... I'm also a little glad I put the lock on the bike rack that night. No offense to Lee whoever he may be.

Tonight I was planning on swimming but I had to bike back from the mechanics after dropping my car off. It wasn't far but the brick from last night is catching up with me today so I took tonight off to recover. Tomorrow is another open water swim, I'm already nervous but as long as it doesn't rain maybe I'll be able to take a minute or two off my time by eliminating the whole doggy paddling thing. My goal is to get it over with as soon as possible!

I ordered a Tri suit the other day so hopefully it will come tomorrow or the next day and with any luck it will fit... can't wait to try it out!

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