Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lessons Learned (fingers crossed)

This is exactly why I purchased SPF 85 spray on Sunscreen today.

This is two showers + additional scrubbing later, you can imagine the mark in it's original state.

Listening to: We Own the Sky/ M83

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Soaked up the Sun, Got my 45 on

                                                       Yep the odometer says 45 miles :)

Possibly tomorrow I will post a picture of wicked sunburn # 2 of the year... although I did attempt to put sunblock on today, I couldn't be bothered to reach around to my completely exposed shoulders. As it stands now I have funny burn lines outlining my tank top and hand prints in addition to the cycling shorts tan I acquired last weekend. Wish I had a camera with me to record the excellent example of a chain ring tattoo that I so artfully crafted over the entirety of my right leg when I came to an abrupt stop at an intersection. I've heard they're also called "rookie marks" so I better try a bit harder to avoid touching the right side of my bike. 

It was phenomenally large, even for me : )

It's also worth mentioning that ice cream, while an excellent choice post ride, consuming while still on a bike ride is not so much a good idea. Guess we'll have to look into nutrition for long rides, GU's and Shot Bloks just aren't going to cut it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Coming to a City Near You!

I've been meaning to write this post for sometime now, haven't had much down time lately but it's too big a deal to keep quiet any longer. Angela, Kris and I are riding our very first Century in a little less than 4 weeks! We've all signed up for the American Diabetes Association's Tour de Cure. I'm getting pretty excited about it, if a little nervous. As of today my longest ride is only a 35 mile trek. While my overall mileage is slowly growing, I wish my puny muscles and endurance would follow suit. I am at least trying to prepare. If the weather would cooperate it would be a bit more helpful.

However, in the last 12 days I've managed to ride the following:

31 miles of the Syracuse 70.3, 17 miles with hill repeats, a FAST 18 of the Iron Girl, 30 on the Tour de Loop course with a 5 mile detour to Fair Haven Beach, a recovery 12 on the Iron Girl course in the rain, and a 14 miler on our normal roller route on the Loop. A grand total of 127 miles. While I wish that number was higher I should mention that I also did the 5k and a few swim workouts, lifting, and short runs on top of all the biking.

So as usual we signed up for a ride that's a bit over our heads and probably going to leave us walking funny for a good week, but man will it feel good to ride across that finish line! And the best part I think is the cause we're riding for, to raise awareness and funds for the American Diabetes Association. There are so many people that are affected by Diabetes, who deal with it on a daily basis whether it be themselves or a family member, I feel like the least I can do is show up to ride, raise a little money and give a worthy cause my support for the day. Hopefully I can bring in a few more donations and get some long rides in before the 100 miler!