Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Forgotten Post

I wrote this a few weeks ago and somehow forgot to post it...

Lately it's been an incredibly mild fall. So far I've seen very little snow which leaves me anxiously awaiting the day Mother Nature decides to flip the switch and bring her wrath of cold and blustery weather down upon us. In the meantime I'm happy to report Angela and I furiously pedaled our way up and down the wind swept hills of Oswego County and were able to get out for a 30 miler last weekend and 17.5 today. Every bike ride threatens to be our last of the season with the colder weather and shorter days. We definitely appreciate being out there, despite occasionally finding ourselves numb from face to feet.

Speaking of feet, I've just switched out my insoles for green Superfeet. They're much more stiff and less cushioned than my regular sneakers but they're supposedly designed to be stabilizing and good for shock absorption. Apparently you have to break them in for at least a week so it'll be cutting it close for use in my next race.

And the next race is... The B'ville 5K Turkey Trot! I decided to go for the 5K distance since I still seem woefully behind in my running training. I'm hopeful that I will be able to get the pace under a 10 minute mile, which would be a much welcomed first.

Last night I took, or maybe I should say Boomer took me for a run. You can take my word on this, it is not easy to tether yourself to an overexcited euphoric running dog, even if he is only 40 pounds. After being nearly attacked by unleashed dogs, dragged, pulled and tripped over the course of our 30 minute tug of war session I was ready to terminate our running partnership indefinitely. So I've decided in order to preserve our occasional workout bonding time we'll simply move our runs to a less canine populated and less hilly area. Possibly the superfeet will guard against the foot slapping that occurs when Boomer lounges ahead of me in the general direction of anything that moves and also stabilize my stride enough to keep me on my feet while being dragged down any sort of elevation decline we come across, including but not limited to hills, curbs, my front steps, etc. We'll see how it goes...