Saturday, May 14, 2011

First Official 5K

Well I met one of my goals today, I ran the whole race, albeit slowly. I actually don't know what my time wound up being. I think it was around 31 minutes which surprised me a little. I guess it's hard to gauge distances when you're just running random routes all the time. I was hoping I had been running at least a 9 minute mile pace lately. Guess it's a bit slower and I have a lot more work to do. At least now I know what to work on. The extra mile wasn't too hard to handle and I still had a lot left over to sprint for the finish line, once I realized I was so close to it. The start was hard because I wound up having to dodge a bunch of walkers and slower runners in front of me. I ran with Katie for the first mile and a half until I felt like I wanted to get the race over with. Once I took off I think I was maintaining a much faster pace but I was still at the tail end of the runners. I hope by the Triathlon I can get up to at least a 9 minute mile. After the swim and bike I feel like, for me, that would be a decent pace, last year I was around a 10:45 pace, mostly because I walked a bunch of it. No copping out this year, I'm not walking the swim even if I can touch and I'm not walking the run even if every nerve in my body is screaming out in protest. And my next 5k will be under 30 minutes whether I like it or not.

I'm not a runner but if I'm sticking with the Triathlons I'm at least going to make myself respectable. I should be faster than I am. I will be.

They had left over medals from the Kids run so Katie and I scored one on the way out. Hey, we're still kids at heart : )

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