Saturday, April 30, 2011

Breaking away from Lazy

I slept in till 8:30 this morning. When I finally dragged myself out of bed I wasn't sure if I was going to be capable of any kind of training today. It could just be allergies in which case my nasonex isn't doing it's job very well, or it's a cold and I will most likely be a not so happy person for the next few days. At least if it's a cold it'll be short term. Riding the bike today actually cleared my head a little, it started out pretty cold too but by the 3rd or 4th mile we were warmed up. We did the 12 mile loop today which was a nice change. I think this summer we're going to branch out on our rides a lot more and try to find some longer routes. I always feel great after we're done. Knock on wood my knees are staying strong so far this season.

Thursday night Angela and I switched bikes for the last 4 miles or so. I was surprised at how different they were. Angela is 3 inches taller than me so I was reaching a bit for her handle bars and pedals but I liked not feeling so scrunched up. I also think her bike gets a little more power to each rotation of the pedals too. I think I may enquire about making my bike more efficient down at the local bike shop. Speaking of which, we stopped into Murdock's before our ride and stocked up on ShotBloks which I've sorely missed since last year. Every time I go in there my wish list grows longer and longer. Clipless pedals are at the top and as soon as I'm brave enough to try them I'll take the plunge. They say everyone falls the first time they use them... as a lifetime klutz I fully expect to be pretty beat up for a good month.

Angela, Kris, Amanda and Elyssa are all doing the Mountain Goat run tomorrow. Angela and Amanda are in for the 1.8 mile run and Elyssa and Kris are going the whole 10 miles. Better them than me. Good luck to everyone, if I'm not absolutely bed ridden I might head down to watch and take some pictures. Nothing like slacking off when a bunch of your friends are going for it. Talks are in the works for the Oswego Tri, so maybe someday soon there will be a new goal on the horizon.

Listening to: The Lazy Song/ Bruno Mars

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