Sunday, June 20, 2010

Time to step it up

Saturday Angela, Elyssa and I went to watch our first Tri at Green Lake's State Park. It was well worth the hour drive as we got to see what an 800m tri swim looks like in open water. It looks like utter chaos. I'm thanking my lucky stars our swim was shortened to 600m after seeing everything I'll have to contend with. I'm not exactly sure how anyone breathes actual air in that mess. The splashing and waves from all the swimmers was creating a visible water halo over the lake. It's going to take a lot of practice to get used to swimming around other people in open water.

We watched a few people transition and take off flying on the bike portion, they were going much faster than I generally go even when I'm flying down a hill at my fastest. Watching the finish line I noticed that most people seemed winded but there wasn't many with red faces keeling over after they finished the race. I will most likely be the red faced, gasping sort. Although I have a feeling if I can finish I won't care.

Transition Area

Watching the Tri was really helpful. I think it got all of us revved up for our Iron Girl and it was a major eye opener. Seven weeks til we're up!

After the race we went for a ride along the Erie canal, back down into Green Lakes for a mile run and then rode back the way we came. The run was hard, 90 degree weather is not runner friendly. I felt pretty self conscious riding up hill in the road as the Triathletes were leaving the park (I really hope they weren't laughing). Although the narrow escape from the hissing Canadian geese was pretty tense too.

This morning Angela and I went for a swim and I finally finished 4 lengths without gasping for air. I've found that if I breath out slower underwater I don't need to take a breath every stroke and pacing myself is helping a lot too. I think the Zoomers are really going to help me strengthen my legs. I still wish I had a few more weeks than we do but it just might be manageable to get my endurance up enough to make it through the swim.

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