Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Swim Bike Run

This past weekend I did a circle swim at the YMCA with a bunch of fellow triathletes. They schooled me. I realized the open water swim will probably terrify me if sharing half a pool with 3 other swimmers was nerve racking. I'm going to look into child sized goggles. No matter what I do I've always got water sloshing around in mine and I'd prefer to keep my contacts in for the whole competition.

Sunday Angela and I did the Tri bike course. 17.5 miles in an hour and 30 minutes... that's roughly the time it takes the pros to finish the entire Tri. Go us! I know progress is slow in coming but I hope it does actually come. I keep reminding myself that it's more about finishing than competing at this point. My competitive nature wants to rear it's ugly head and make my current, "just for fun" attitude do push ups. Maybe the two can reach a compromise.

Today Elyssa and I ran a little. Luckily she was breaking in her new running shoes and had already done a morning workout so it wasn't that bad when I could barely keep up with her. I think I hit two miles though... with one "shoe lace" stop, I use quotes because it was more like a "my lungs are collapsing" stop, which I artfully masked with a quick re-tying of my shoe laces. I'm not sure Elyssa bought it. I walk/ran the last mile with a short sprint towards the end. It's good for me to run with experienced runners, I go a lot further that left to my own "just for fun" ways.

I've been icing my knees everyday and I also have knee bands shipping for my self diagnosed patella tendinitis. I may climb the stairs like an 80 year old woman who needs a knee replacement but at least I can still run and bike. Right now that's more important than climbing stairs like a normal person.

Listening to: Better Together/ Jack Johnson

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