Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Life gets in the Way

The thing about training for a Tri is that it takes up soooo much time. I've had a few days lately where I've either been too physically exhausted or just had too many things going on to get in a good work out. Swimming schedules are especially a pain. I got up at 5:30 Monday morning and got in 30 minutes worth of laps. Once a week is about all I can manage with the early workouts, they catch up with me around 10:30 when I want to crawl back in bed. It's harder to leave swimming to the end of the night though. The YMCA only has 30 minutes of lap swim at night and it's at 8:00 PM. I try to be in bed by 9:30-10 these days so it messes with my sleep when I swim at night.

Anyways, Monday night I finally gave running another try and I did a mile and three quarters without stopping... way to go me. Tuesday I did a short bike ride attempting to go fast. 37 minutes for 6.5 miles is kinda crappy, but I'll plead my case by saying it was sort of windy and there was a big long hill involved.

This week my family's little dog had some major health issues and between all the upsetting news and worry I skipped tonight's workout... sometimes regular life, outside of personal fitness goals, has to take center stage. I still feel a little guilty about not swimming but sitting next to my recuperating pup was a much better use of my time tonight.

There's always tomorrow.

my old work out partner, Chloe

Listening to Free/ Zac Brown Band


  1. Maybe you can get a little basket for your bike so she can ride along!

  2. She'd be my little Toto dog :o)
