Sunday, October 21, 2012

Gotta Run

Asics Gel DS Trainers 17

So here it is... my 100th post! And to celebrate I bought myself a flashy new pair of running shoes.

Actually, I bought them because my previous pair have turned the last month or so of runs into a slow torture fest of never ending blisters, achy knees, sore feet and generally miserable runs. What I discovered after visiting Fleet Feet was that my Mizunos while technically a good fit for my foot, are a  stability shoe best for runners with overpronation issues. In addition to wearing a stability shoe I further increased my arch support with green Super Feet inserts, the combination of which would over correct even the worst overpronation issues. Turns out that I have one foot that slightly overpronates and one that is fine. No wonder my arches took a beating. This is why you go to the people who know what they're doing before you jump into half marathons and other athletic endeavours slightly beyond your current capabilities. So I wound up buying a light stability shoe and adding my green super feet after a few runs and so far so good.

Escaping from Fright Nights

I ran my last race in the Mizunos and have retired them to the role of hiking sneakers. Speaking of my last race, we ran a 2.5 mile run at the fair grounds in a misty rain/ torrential down pour in the Escape From Fright Nights run a few weeks back. I ran it shortly following a 6.5 mile run the day before thinking 2.5 miles should at this point be a piece of cake. I was sorrily mistaken. Among the many problems with this scenario were that along with having just run 6 and a half miles in badly fitting shoes, I started out with some serious blisters and inevitably added a few more. Wet feet with cotton socks = bad news. Since becoming aware of this equation I have also recently purchased new running socks to wick away moisture. The run was a rude awakening, I am supposed to be running 13.1 miles in little under a month and 6.5 followed by a 2.5 miler was defeating me. I'm pretty sure they don't give you 4 days to complete a half marathon. Since then however I got the right equipment and am attempting to get back on track. Yesterday I put in a 6 miler and with any luck I'll be able to maintain a few 3-4 mile short runs with my long run mileage creeping up closer to my lofty goal of 13.1... it may not be pretty but I'm determined that this won't be the race that defeats me.

I also discovered a new motivation at the Escape from Fright Nights run... apparently all you have to do is put doughnuts at the finish line and I will run through a down pour being chased by creepy costumed characters casually ignoring the throbbing pain in my feet. I maintain that the Boston Cream I had post race was the best doughnut I've ever tasted. Maybe I should make arrangements for the half...

Four weeks from today!

Listening to: Anything Could Happen/ Ellie Goulding

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