Thursday, September 6, 2012

Late Lowdown

I've been terrible about bloging this summer, having planned our vacation shortly after the big race there was a lot more stress than usual on us. I'll use that as my excuse for why this post is so late. As I'm actually writing it over a month after the fact, this will most likely be the overview...

Race morning came early as it always does, and just like always I was running a bit behind. The dash was reading much too high a temperature for so early in the morning but with transition to set up I wasn't too bothered by it. Once my transition was all set to go Elyssa pointed out I had set it up on the wrong side, after moving it I reassessed my position and decided I'd switch it back and set it up wrong so I could go faster through transition. Later on I think it paid off but next time I'll just make sure my bike is racked the correct way. 

As usual the swim course looked much longer than I thought I was capable of, so I was sure to note the locations and quantity of Kayaks on the lake in case I needed to stop and have a chat with any of them. The anxiety of being in the second or third to last age group is unreal. You have to sit through like 8 other swim starts and try not to let loose the nervous break down threatening to morph you back into a terrified child running from the water and screaming for your mother.  I managed to keep these feelings in check and lined up like the grown woman that I am about 30 minutes into the wave starts. Up until the point where I actually entered the water I was terrified, once I was about waist deep I knew it would turn out fine, so off I went. I quickly realized that starting towards the back kept me from being clobbered and drowned however I also wasn't actually going anywhere. It didn't take long to switch to plan B and make my way to the far outside. Once there I got into a rhythm and swam relatively well (if you excuse the gasping for air on every single stroke thing). Happily bypassing the kayaks I rounded the far buoy and turned for home, only I may have kept turning here and there and made quite the zig zagging approach back to the beach. It cost me some time but I made it back alive and the sigh of relief after dragging yourself out of a triathlon swim is a big weight off your shoulders.

I flew through transition and happily took off sprinting on my bike, only to realize my lungs had just about had it after the swim. Slowing down I tried to pace myself and get into a rhythm. Things were going well up until the approach to the railroad tracks. About a mile a way I heard a train whistle and really didn't put two and two together until I turned a corner and saw people up ahead stopping. As we slowed down Elyssa caught up to me and we both pulled the bikes to a stop for the unfortunately scheduled train that was blocking the course. On the bright side a volunteer took our numbers and said there would be time adjustments. So as the train past we all took off again, my motivation was sort of shot at that point because I knew no matter what my time would be at best, an estimate. I road as hard as I could but it felt slightly slow for me, we were battling some winds so that might have been the problem.

me in transition
I made it through the bike and grudgedly traded in the wheels for running sneakers, taking a bit more time to catch my breath and recover momentarily for the run. I knew it wasn't going to be pretty but I was hoping the urge to walk would hold off at least til mile 1.5-2ish. I managed not to walk at all but I'm not entirely sure the pace I was keeping could be considered running. Thank God for the volunteers! People had their hoses out, music cranked and were cheering and clapping for everyone, the water and Gatorade was much appreciated as well. I always like it when people have their dogs out too, it gives me something to distract myself from being exhausted. Anyways, as soon as I could sprint to the finish I did, and I was very happy I made it through yet another Iron Girl Triathlon! My first official time was exactly 2 seconds faster than last year and, 13 seconds faster than the first year... I'm nothing if not consistent! After the train adjustment I had 2 minutes taken off and finished as follows:

So a decent swim, not too shabby on the bike and a fairly slow run, but I suppose I have to leave room to improve for next year! Another great year of hitting the gym, pavement, pool, weights, etc., etc... not to mention hanging out with tri buddies and making new friends. I may complain from time to time but at the end of the race when that medal is hanging around your neck and your cheering section and fellow athletes surround you, it's hard not to think that's it most definitely worth it!

Angela in transition

almost done!

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