Monday, April 11, 2011

A Second Tri

Back for Round 2 and this year's Tri Training is off to a much better start. Elyssa and I are both signed up for the Iron Girl this year which takes place August 7th. Even though it filled up before Angela could get in, I'm still forcing her into being my home town training buddy and we're looking to sign up for a few 5Ks and maybe a bike race or two.

Lately I've been hitting up the elliptical to wait out the last of the winter weather, which frankly without my Battlestar Galactica DVDs and the occasional Tosh.O episode would almost be torture. With the recent milder temperatures we've been able to venture outside and have been pleasantly surprised that our starting point is way ahead of last year's. We've been running about 2 miles consistently which compared to last year's start at less than a mile makes me pretty happy. I think this year the focus will be to get the 5K down and to improve our times.

We had the bikes out for the first ride of the season and I'm pleased to report despite our wimpy underused muscles we were not defeated by the gigantic hill. So there's hope for us after all :o) It felt great to fly down those hills 30mph, after weeks of my practically backwards jogging pace it feels awesome to actually move. Getting used to the saddle again was a bit rough, I'm a pretty sore today, hazard of the hobby I suppose :o)

I'm still procrastinating on the swim. I hope that since I seem to have started out ahead of the game on two thirds of the Tri composite that it'll be the same once I hit the pool. Fingers crossed!

Listening to: This is Your Life/ Switchfoot


  1. I will be there to cheer you on! Can't wait!

  2. you're my number one fan after that awesome sign last year :o)
