Friday, December 2, 2011

Run Rudolph, Run

A quick update on our Holiday 5ks... The Turkey Trot 5k was a brisk morning uphill battle... both the run and also the getting out of bed on a holiday part. Unfortunately the final time was not a chip time so the mess of the start line cost us all a bit of time. I still wound up with a 10:07 mile pace. Slow, but for me, right about average. I wasn't disappointed, considering the hilly route and not feeling my best that morning, I stuck it out and ran the entire race. Sometimes just putting one foot in front of the other is the only goal I aspire to.

Four Personal Records!

The Reindeer run a week and a half later went considerably better. Despite another hill ridden race, I finally reached my goal of breaking a 30 minute 5k. There was no timing other than relying upon myself to look at the clock while crossing the finish line. Of course I only glanced long enough to see 28:-- (I'm going with 30 seconds, but really I have no idea). Even though real runners might scoff at my measly increase in pace, I felt a bit like Rocky throwing punches at the top of that stone staircase. Maybe by Tri season I'll be able to maintain a respectable pace.

Upcoming races include a possible trip to Cazenovia for the Chilly Chilli 5k, Maybe the Shamrock run 4 miler in March, and if any of us are feeling motivated the Mountain Goat 10 miler... but honestly if I'm going to run 10 miles up and down hills, why not just run a semi flat half? Guess we'll have to see where the motivation and athleticism stand in a few months.

For now I'll be counting down the days in hopes that Santa might bring me an indoor trainer for the off season. It sure would be nice to have a choice between my elliptical and a stationary bike.

Listening to: Cameras/ Matt & Kim

1 comment:

  1. I would never scoff at your 10 minute mile! In high school my mile and a half time was 9:50...and after I graduated I never ran again. My shins hurt too much from the impact and it was never worth it to me to invest in a pair. My dad and brother are both runners though.

    I woke up and read this post and even though I'm not remotely considering going for a run, I am inspired to take the dog for a walk Haha! Look forward to your next post as I do enjoy reading them!

