Saturday, July 3, 2010

Top Ten

This morning I dragged myself out of bed, made it to the YMCA by 7:45 and after walking in the door was promptly told the pool is closed til at least Tuesday. I'm on a schedule here people... I can't afford to take a break at this point. I'm tossing around the idea of an open water swim in Lake Ontario on Monday. That would be a big step for me, and I'm not sure I'm ready yet.

So after my failed attempt at swimming this morning I took the bike out and rode for about an hour. It was a beautiful day and since I was trekking it alone today I had plenty of time to compose this list of my top ten favorite things about biking and the top ten least favorite things...

Top Ten Favorite Things:

1. Noticing things I wouldn't have in a car
2. Riding down big hills
3. Friendly cyclists
4. Scenery
5. Shot Bloks and Sport Beans
6. Turning for home
7. Wildlife sightings
8. Being outside in the country on nice days
9. Going 30 mph
10. Riding a road bike instead of a hybrid

Top Ten Least Favorite Things:

1. Wind
2. Potholes
3. Crazy drivers
4. Climbing gigantic hills
5. Road kill, skunks and frogs in particular
6. Gravel
7. Railroad tracks
8. Bugs
9. Sewer grates
10. Being chased by dogs

Tomorrow is looking like an early morning running day, anything above 75 degrees really hurts my motivation to work out. Best to get it done and over, especially when referring to running.

Happy 4th of July!!!

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