Oswego Harbor is missing it's lighthouse!
Lately I've been going easy on the workouts in an attempt to recover from what I think was either over use or just the result of taking on way too much and getting run down. Everything was going pretty terrible for the past week or so, unrelenting foot and leg cramps in my swim workouts, a general inability to breathe while running and breathing and muscle fatigue every hill on my normal bike route. If all of this was caused by donating blood then I think I'll wait to donate again after Tri season is over. Thankfully after a few days off, some iron pills and three absolutely wonderful days to sleep in, I finally feel better.
We took it easy yesterday and did a mild 12 mile bike loop cutting out most major hills. I felt like I could handle a bit more today but even I was surprised at what we accomplished. Angela and I took off with our bikes on a new route that brought us up and over some killer hills. We rode a 26.6 mile loop mostly on back roads out to Sterling and back. We stopped once to check out a possible open water swimming locale and then hiked back to the bikes to head for home. We stopped again to refuel at Ontario Orchards, looking like what I'm sure were some real beauties. I like taking our time and stopping along the way, especially when it's a warm day and I'm running low on water. So after our banana break we finished our 26.6 miles with a loop around the college in the crazy cold fog that has been hovering around the shores of lake Ontario as of late. When I say crazy cold fog I m
ean it. The temperature must drop a good 15 degrees and you can't see 50 ft past the shore. The lake water is pretty cold still but I don't remember any summer starting off with so much fog.
Oh and you'll be glad to know I wore my sunscreen both sunny biking days and despite a slight farmers tan I remain as blindingly white as ever : )
As usual the jumpstart back into training was a big one, hopefully with a little luck things will get back to normal this week.
The Steam station disappearing in fog
listening to: Everybody Needs Love/ Drive By Truckers